In this episode we cover the three big insulin pump manufacturers: overview, pros, cons, features, benefits, and what’s coming next for each.

There are three major pump manufacturers: Medtronic, Tandem, and Insulet (makes Omnipod). Jessie wears the Medtronic 670G and I wear the Tandem t:Slim X2 with Control IQ.

Because we don’t have first-hand experience with the Omnipod, I reached out to my Facebook community and crowdsourced the details for the Omni. 

Podder JeVonda Flint was kind enough to share a collage picture of her different pod placements, seen below.

JeVonda Flint shows different placements for her Omnipod.

Different locations to place your infusion set

Wins & Fails

Jessie’s Win: Jessie is finally back in her weight training class at school. It’s a little different with remote learning, but it’s a welcome return nonetheless.

Colleen’s Fail: My last sensor kept cutting out early, so I changed it with a day to go because of the uncertainty and how off the readings were. Tech is not perfect despite what we’d like.

Tip of the Week

Always keep some alcohol swabs or a bottle of sanitizer with you. They come in handy for finger sticks, site, and sensor changes.

Diabetes Spotlight

The spotlight this week is on companies that help you decorate your pumps, CGMs, and other diabetes accessories.

Pump Peelz has all sorts of fun stickers to personalize your devices. I’ve used their t:Slim stickers before and their G6 transmitter stickers to spice things up.

I also use GrifGrips overlay patches to keep my sensors on longer.

Now It's Your Turn...

What pump do you have? Which is your favorite, if you’ve used multiple?

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Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!

2 Responses

  1. I just found your podcasts on Spotify. I have always been fascinated by diabetes since being diagnosed in 1983 and have never felt shy about discussing it.

    I have been on Medtronic pumps since 2000 and started CGM with the first Medtronic pump. The sensors at that point were not very accurate and quick chafed to Dexcom when it came out. I am now back with the Medtronic CGM since they are so much better now.

    Enjoying and find much of what you say hilarious because I can identify with much of it.


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2 Responses

  1. I just found your podcasts on Spotify. I have always been fascinated by diabetes since being diagnosed in 1983 and have never felt shy about discussing it.

    I have been on Medtronic pumps since 2000 and started CGM with the first Medtronic pump. The sensors at that point were not very accurate and quick chafed to Dexcom when it came out. I am now back with the Medtronic CGM since they are so much better now.

    Enjoying and find much of what you say hilarious because I can identify with much of it.


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