Jessie & I share our experiences with artificial sweeteners. Learn about them, sugar substitutes, and how they affect people with T1D.

Artificial sweeteners have been around for decades as a so-called healthy alternative to real sugar when you want to sweeten things, whether in baking or your coffee or anything in between.

In this episode we talk about artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and some non-nutritive sugar substitutes.

Right now I’m testing Bocha Sweet (affiliate link).

Artificial Sweeteners

Chart from the FDA

Wins & Fails

Colleen’s Win: I had around a 6-hour streak of unicorns! A unicorn is when your blood sugar is 100 mg/dL exactly! 🦄

Jessie’s Fail: Her truck broke down in the middle of a construction zone. Not necessarily a diabetes fail, but a life fail. Her clutch overheated. 😶

Tip of the Week

We had daylight savings switch at the beginning of November, and when we do that we have to remember to switch our insulin pumps and CGMs. So, if you haven’t gotten around to changing your clocks, or your numbers are off and you can’t figure out why, you may have forgotten to fall back an hour on your medical devices. It’s important to do this because basal rates are determined by time.

Diabetes Spotlight

The spotlight this week is on Nathan Handling, a 16-year-old Type 1 Diabetic who just started a YouTube channel called Handling Diabetes. He has a website by the same name.

Nathan wants to raise awareness of what diabetics go through, whether that be through his own stories or through stories others share on his site. He also hopes to guide people to the resources they need or want and to create a community that can help them thrive. 

Now It's Your Turn...

What’s your experience with artificial sweeteners? What are your favorites? Which ones affect your blood sugars the most?

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Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!

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