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Today we’re talking about victim mindset and how it shows up when you have type 1 diabetes.

We’ll also talk about how to get yourself OUT of victim mindset, and why it’s not something to beat yourself up over.

We all do it.

We can’t control others, but we can control our REACTIONS to other people, to our blood sugars, to our circumstances, to literally anything that happens to us. In the end, we get to control our reactions.

Victim mindset is a choice, and you can choose to get out of it if you want.

Wins & Fails

Colleen’s Win: The husband and I went on a New Year’s Day hike in 11 degree weather! My number was around 130, 140 when we left the house, and while it did get to about 180 post-hike, I did not go low.

Jessie’s Fail: Her site ripped out in the middle of the night and she woke up with a high blood sugar.

Tip of the Week

Sometimes we just need to turn off the overthinking in our brains, and while there are a ton of ways to do that, I want to share two of mine for you to try.

  1. Take a bath. Every time I take a bath, my mind kind of goes empty.
  2. The other is an adult coloring book. Turning my attention to not coloring outside the lines helps turn down all the thoughts.

Diabetes Spotlight

The highlight this week is on Melissa Trauss, an Orthodox Jewish T1D on TikTok. Check out her account here: My Orthodox Jewish Life (@therealmelindastrauss) TikTok

Now It's Your Turn...

What are some ways you tend to blame the ‘betes for how you feel? Again, remember, no judgment, just awareness and making a choice about if you want to stay there or not. And both choices are valid. 

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Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!

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