Dr. Ken Berry, a family physician from Tennessee and famed YouTube doctor, joins us to talk about keto and carnivore for type 1 diabetics. 

Ken has over 1.5 million YouTube subscribers and has dedicated his career to raising awareness about the benefits of reducing carbohydrates from our diets. He shares his professional experience treating type 1 and type 2 diabetics who have had incredible results following the low carb, keto, and carnivore ways of eating.

Meet Dr. Ken Berry

Dr. Ken Berry is a family physician based in Tennessee. 

He’s an avid advocate of keto, carnivore, and basically taking back ownership of your health by changing what you eat.

Connect with Ken on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Wins & Fails

Jessie’s Win: Jessie has been fighting a late summer cold, and her win is that she only had one day of bad blood sugars. Good practice for if she gets sick during college!

Colleen’s Fail:  Edgepark Medical, one of my 3rd party distributors for my supplies, didn’t have the right fax number for my doctor, so they thought I hadn’t seen my endo for over two years, and that caused a holdup with getting my supplies sent on time. It’s always a good idea to double check that companies like that have all the correct information.

Tip of the Week

When moving or packing for a trip, write down what you’ve already packed. It helps with the anxiety of wondering if you really did pack your toothbrush.

Now It's Your Turn...

Have you seen Ken Berry on YouTube? If so, what is your favorite video?

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